...And Furthermore
~An Update of sorts to “…And Laugh” dated September 18 th ….. I suggest skipping to the next post before returning here to glimpse these most recent macabre developments… So anyhow it has become increasingly apparent that inanimate objects (-in particular Automobiles) and me have some innate problem in the development of “healthy” long lasting and fruitful relationships. Actually in retrospect my ability to maintain any realistic normalcy in basic fundamentally social interactions is likely questionable too –but for now let’s just stick to cars in order to retain some focus, some succinctness…. In case you choose to first read this instead of taking my advice and skipping below for some relatively important background information regarding these most recent developments of the last 48 hours, I’ll try and relate a quick (-impossible for me) synopsis to get us up to speed-: My Honda has had some fairly unacceptable misfortunes over the last several weeks and my ability to...