Christmas Letter
December 25, 2017 Dearest Cindy: Well, first of all , Merry Christmas Dear , and good morning! Our very first Christmas togethe r, ~ how W onderful. This time last year Cindy ****** wasn’t even on my radar, today you populate my thoughts throughout the day and even occasionally as I lay sleeping at night. It’s quite amazing what good things life can deposi t from far afield beyond even the horizon s of our wildest imaginations. I am so very very grateful for your good company , Love. Quite h onestly, I’m afraid the gifts under the tree really won’t do justice towards reflecting what you’ve brought in to my life this past year. I’m not terribly good at finding the perfect item as far as presents are concerned and I’m loath to say my shopping resources have seen better days. Wish that I could present some wrapped thing that might margina...