....And Then Again,
…I recently ran across something that struck a chord with me, essentially it was a post that made the claim that there is nothing that can be said that hasn’t already been said in some form or another before. It went on to speculate that we are all, each of us today here in this World, equally guilty of some form of plagiarism or another as we communicate our thoughts and ideas. Apparently, through the books that we have read, the broad array of varied and assundry media that we share, and our wide berth of collective history…we’ve kind of already said it all and are basically “re-hashing” the same ‘ol, same ‘ol again and again , just simply inserting different adjectives and adverbs in the dim hope that we can retain some sense of “uniqueness” within our shared discourse …How Depressing is that!!!
You know I’ve gotta tell ya I’ve been involved in more ridiculously imaginative verbal intercourse than I have the “noun-based” kind (-Oh well, right!) and in retrospect I must say that I’m challenged to contemplate even the remotest of possibilities that the crap that I’ve sometimes discussed has ever been uttered by another even semi-sensible individual! (-“God” I hope not at any rate ...that would be Doubly Pathetic). That being said, (possibly for the “umpteenth time” if the passage that inspired this rant is indeed true), we must truly live in what I can only characterize as a “WoodyAllenesque-Plane-of-Existence”, one as dark as the deepest Black Hole!!
Now I, for one, have a fairly broad spectrum of what I would call acquaintances, a decent array of folks that I can assume (I Hope!) are friendly in nature (most-of-the-Time), and an infinitely smaller variety of humanoids that I can get to listen to my own “inner-workings” without too much noticeable yawning and cursing (at least in front of my back!). Now, That being said , perhaps I need to reanalyze my own mumblings and start paying more implicit attention to the message and not just the “verbal dressing” part of the subtext that so tantalizes and enrapts me in the Grand Hope that I may be able to put together something that more uniquely represents ME to each of YOU !!!
Then Again….Maybe Not…..
In the words of Jean-Luc Godard "It's not where you take things from - it's where you take things to"
ReplyDeletePS - I stole this.
And what is an implicit message without a little "verbal dressing" on the side?
.........Hmmmmmm, yes I see, a "thief", you are admitting your own style of unique despicible behavior (?).....yes, although for those of us already in "The Know", so to speak that is, I think it fair to say that "We" had already previously deduced this horrendous deplorable quality in You, Sensei.....I mean in a nice way of course. Oh, and by the way, nice segue there with the whole "French-Swiss Film Director" reference........I can always count on you!