Pay Attention

Be informed.

 Politicians are accountable and are here to both serve and inform us. Their jobs, (and that's just what they are -Jobs), are granted to them by those of us who are eligible to vote, All of us, not just those of us wealthy enough to write enormous contribution checks that support personal agendas and selfish financial gains. We are literally their collective employer and they exist exclusively to report to and respond to our needs wishes and shared values, as well as to support our Constitution and the laws that we deem prudent to it.

I would say that as a general rule pretty much all politicians manipulate the truth on a sliding scale determined by the audience they're trying to appeal to on any given day. Trump, however, has proven himself time and time again throughout his lengthy recorded history, and, more importantly since his latest stint in elected office, to be effectively without peer in his ability to unashamedly and enthusiastically launch distortions and outright lies. He is truly a species unto himself in this regard even within the grander political stratosphere of professional storytellers.

Beware of this gentleman whenever he exhales for that is when he begins to form words and hence percolate trouble.

Of course, not all that horks up and out of his mouth hole is spurious. Indeed, sometimes the word sounds he dislodges are simply narcissistic and boastful masturbations. Occasionally he even salts this drivel with random factual based information which, frankly, just seems to add yet another layer of confusion to understanding his already puzzling communication style. He appears to be both a Moron’s moron and an accomplished fabricator.
 Genius, indeed.

Anyhow I’m sure that I could go on further but the point, and there is one, is this, Trump has brazenly demonstrated a willingness not just to stretch the truth as many political types are willing to do but to wholly construct new theories out of thin air apparently as a test just to see if his remaining supporters will believe absolutely anything spawned from his batty ideabox.

Listen, Fact Check this guy every time he burps. Frankly, fact check every elected mouthpiece that gurgles and be careful not to just look for the ideas that support the things that you already believe in. Everybody spins things, elected types more so than the rest of us.

The significant difference here of course is that we have had a pretty good relationship with, and support for, our news media and the job that they do in keeping us informed of things that are going on in the world until now, without a lot of interference from the political types who they were occasionally examining for us. Suddenly, we’re being told to believe that the vast majority of news organizations (-excluding one speciously) are routinely selling us fake news stories with very little or no corroborating evidence to back those claims up.

 The emergence of Trump has changed this fundamental landscape dramatically and, often, simply because the things that they report about him don’t have the good feels that he wants to project for the image brand he so dearly fantasizes about.
What a tool.

Anyhow let’s not let this guy or anybody else for that matter take advantage of his special place in the speaking line just because he’s the current President. Hold Trump accountable, don’t be his Fool for free. Demand that he backs up what he says with more than just the mono syllabic words sloshing out of his bad breath place.  

Take notice.

Pay attention.


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